Jesus sends power to love: an audio teaching on Acts 2

About Dr. Larry Taylor

Radical Anabaptist, Jesus Freak, Red Letter Christian, sailor, thinker, spiritual director, life coach, pastor, teacher, chaplain, counselor, writer, husband, father, grandfather, dog-sitter

Posted on July 10, 2022, in anabaptist, Bible, Bible Teaching, Christianity, Jesus, Justice, Kingdom Life, kingdom of God, Peace Shalom Hesed, Prayer, social justice, Spiritual Direction, Spirituality, The Cross, Worship. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Dixon h harris

    Hi, Larry. Been a while hasn’t it.

    You are so careful and thorough in explanation of scripture.

    This chaper, though, begs for an explanation of , ” The Lord said to my lord….: Seems to me at least a bit confusing at first reading..


    • Hey Dixon! So good to hear from you, my friend. Let’s connect and chat and catch up. Thanks for asking about the quotation in Matthew 22:44 where Jesus, responding the religious leaders, quotes Psalm 110:1, which traditionally is assigned to King David. In psalm 110:1, David says, “The LORD says to my Lord: ‘Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool’” (ESV). In the Hebrew original, two different words are used for “lord.” Literally, what David wrote was, “YHWH (the creator God of the cosmos) said to my Adonai (lord, master, sovereign, king) sit at my right hand …” The religious leaders expected a Messiah like King David – a warlord who would throw off Roman rule and establish Israel as an independent kingdom. They looked at Messiah as simply a descendent of David’s who would do similar things. Jesus quotes the verse to prove to the leaders that Messiah is more than just an earthly king in David’s lineage. On the contrary, David considered the coming Messiah to be his lord, his master. And, since David lived a millennia before Jesus, Messiah must be eternal, preëxistent. So, in Matthew 22, Jesus is claiming to have always been the true Messiah, the true Lord of all – a thousand years ago, now, a thousand years hence. A remarkable claim. Blessings, Larry


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